Can Maine Coon Cats Go Outside?

The owners of pedigree cats are often inhibited from letting their pets run free. But especially Maine Coons get along very well outside.

The question of can Maine Coon cats go outside or should become indoor-only is not so easy. It is necessary to consider many factors and carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. If you are not sure, you should initially keep the cat only in the apartment. And If it no wants to go on the street that’s fine. Then it is happy as an indoor cat.

In the opposite case it is much more problematic. A Maine Coon that could roam around outside will be so unhappy if it is locked up suddenly. So you should think carefully beforehand whether you can cope with an outdoor cat. This also includes, for example, never being sure that the cat will really come home in one piece or at all.

What to do if Maine Coon wants to go outside

In some housing situations, the question of outdoor access does not arise at all. In principle, it is very difficult in all apartments that do not have direct access to the outside, but only through the stairwell. But, if you have a house or an apartment with a terrace door, you can give Maine Coon to go outside. 

The environment is very important. Busy inner-city streets without green spaces and railroad lines or, in rural areas, the major arterial roads and agricultural areas pose great dangers. Also, there should not be too many roaming tomcats in the residential area to avoid possibly catfights.

Finally, the cat itself must be prepared for outdoor use. If a Maine Coon wants to go outside it should be vaccinated, chipped and possibly neutered. The latter applies especially to female cats if you do not want offspring in the house.

maine coon wants to go outside

Door open, door closed or cat flap

If your Mine Coon outdoor cat, it wants to go outside at the exact moment that comes to its mind. This can be in the middle of the night or in the early morning (yes, even on Sundays).

The solution is a cat flap. Unfortunately, it has a few catches: First, it is only for cat owners with their own property or a very tolerant landlord in question. Second, you lose control over when the Mine Coon comes and goes. In addition, it can bring in (half-)dead rodents and birds unhindered. The latter can be avoided by setting the flap so that the cat can get out at any time, but cannot get in. Then, however, your Mine Coon has to stay outside even when no one is home.

Can Maine Coon cats live outside?

Maine Coon cats are a breed of domestic cats that are known for their large size and long hair. They are typically considered to be a indoor cat breed, but can they live outside?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, such as the climate where you live and your cat’s personality. However, in general, Maine Coon cats can live outside if they are properly acclimated to the weather and have a warm and comfortable place to shelter from the elements.

In addition, it is important to make sure your cat has access to food and water, as well as a litter box, at all times.

maine coon indoor or outdoor

Dangers for outdoor Maine Coon Cat

With an outdoor Maine Coon, you must always be prepared for the cat to go for a long time or not come at all. Possible dangers include:

  • Traffic: many cats are run over by cars, and some leave their lives on railroad tracks. An accident does not always have to be fatal, but even a seriously injured cat may not back home.
  • Other animals: In the cities, there is mainly danger from conspecifics and dogs. In suburban areas and in the countryside could be wild animals. They can cause serious harm to your pet.
  • Other people: Not everyone means well, sometimes there are downright cat haters or simply abusers. Therefore, it is worth weighing everything carefully before letting your Maine Coon outside of your home.
  • Being locked up: Maine Coons are normally curious, and if a garage or a cellar is surprisingly open, the temptation is great to have a look around. Often enough, the cats are then overlooked and accidentally locked in. This usually happens for a short time since the locked door opens again soon. It becomes critical when the cellar door closes for a week or more.
  • Traps: These do not necessarily have to be intentionally (and especially illegally) placed animal traps. There are many things, such as a fence that it can get caught on or hurt, that can become a trap for the Maine Coon

Pros & Cons of letting Maine Coon outside

Of course there are advantages to sending the Maine Coon outside. But also some disadvantages, as mentioned above. For easier making a decision here is a main thesis for and against:


  • The cat can walk freely and will not be bored.
  • Free-roaming cats often have more robust health because they are more hardened.
  • The many movements have a positive effect on the muscles and the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Outdoor Maine Coons are usually more balanced because they have had a chance to let off steam.
  • They won’t scratch furniture as often because they find plenty of opportunities to scratch something outdoors.
  • They leave less waste because they do most of their “business” outside.


  • Owners have no certainty that the cat will return home because of the dangers mentioned above and the possibility that it will be fed elsewhere.
  • The Mine Coon can get diseases and vermin more easily.
  • The cat’s droppings can cause trouble in the neighborhood.
  • Letting the cat in and out must be regulated.
  • The cat is often not there and is hardly available for cuddling.


While cats are typically content to lounge around inside, they can also enjoy spending time outdoors. So if Maine Coon cats like to go outside, you can let them. Just be sure to keep an eye on your furry friend, and bring them back inside when it starts to get dark.